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Afin de répondre au besoin de nos clients le maitre mots de notre entreprise est maitrise des levier et innovation.
Grace à e-right+ Lancez votre idée alors qu’elle est encore fraiche.
Pack création d'entreprise
- Consultation juridique
- Rédaction de statuts
- Rédaction du pacte d'actionnaires
- Rédaction de tout autre contrat nécessaire
- Demande variable selon la nature de votre activité
* Facturé une seul fois
Pack Marketing
- Consultation avec un expert marketing
- Logo
- Identité graphique
- Cahier des charges site web
- Etude de la stratégie de développement des vente
* Facturé une seul fois
Pack Secrétariat Juridique
- mise à jour des statuts
- Mise à jour des PV de l'assemblé générale
- Modifications statuaires
Pack Audit Juridique
- Evaluer la conformité juridique
- Identifier les risques juridiques
- Proposer des recommandations pour pallier aux lacunes soulignées lors de l'audit
* Facturé une seul fois
Pack Compliance
- Conformité réglementaire sectorielle
- Veille juridique
- Protection des données
- Conformité à la RGPD
- Conformité à la NLPD
* Facturé une seul fois
Il nous ont fait confiance.
Design Quality
“The app is a part of our team, helping to crystalize our vision and delivering incredible results in a record time.”
Colin Lucido
Colabrio Media • Co-Founder
Code Quality
“I'll tell you what, make higher preparation better large one either government drunk brought be totally concepts deference.”
Laura Norson
Colabrio Media • Art Direction
Customer Support
“5 stars WordPress template! If anyone wants an example of what you can do with this theme, check out my site at ohio.clbthemes.com.”
Stacey Rickson
Colabrio Media • Web Developer
Design Quality
“The app is a part of our team, helping to crystalize our vision and delivering incredible results in a record time.”
Colin Lucido
Colabrio Media • Co-Founder
Code Quality
“I'll tell you what, make higher preparation better large one either government drunk brought be totally concepts deference.”
Laura Norson
Colabrio Media • Art Direction
Customer Support
“5 stars WordPress template! If anyone wants an example of what you can do with this theme, check out my site at ohio.clbthemes.com.”
Stacey Rickson
Colabrio Media • Web Developer
Design Quality
“The app is a part of our team, helping to crystalize our vision and delivering incredible results in a record time.”
Colin Lucido
Colabrio Media • Co-Founder
Code Quality
“I'll tell you what, make higher preparation better large one either government drunk brought be totally concepts deference.”
Laura Norson
Colabrio Media • Art Direction
Customer Support
“5 stars WordPress template! If anyone wants an example of what you can do with this theme, check out my site at ohio.clbthemes.com.”
Stacey Rickson
Colabrio Media • Web Developer
Design Quality
“The app is a part of our team, helping to crystalize our vision and delivering incredible results in a record time.”
Colin Lucido
Colabrio Media • Co-Founder
Code Quality
“I'll tell you what, make higher preparation better large one either government drunk brought be totally concepts deference.”
Laura Norson
Colabrio Media • Art Direction
Customer Support
“5 stars WordPress template! If anyone wants an example of what you can do with this theme, check out my site at ohio.clbthemes.com.”
Stacey Rickson
Colabrio Media • Web Developer
Design Quality
“The app is a part of our team, helping to crystalize our vision and delivering incredible results in a record time.”
Colin Lucido
Colabrio Media • Co-Founder
Code Quality
“I'll tell you what, make higher preparation better large one either government drunk brought be totally concepts deference.”
Laura Norson
Colabrio Media • Art Direction
Customer Support
“5 stars WordPress template! If anyone wants an example of what you can do with this theme, check out my site at ohio.clbthemes.com.”
Stacey Rickson
Colabrio Media • Web Developer